00 27/10/2008 20:25
Nonostante le voci circolate nelle scorse settimane in diversi siti che riportavano un possibile ruolo per Paris Hilton in Sherlock Holmes, l'ereditiera stessa ha smentito che vi fosse alcuna verità nelle notizie riportate [SM=x1379675]

"I don't think anyone actually took these articles about Paris seriously, however it's good to know first-hand that it isn't true:

BBC: Did you swap numbers?
Paris: People make up stories all the time. The papers make up so many stories. I read some story today that I was talking to Guy Ritchie about being in a Sherlock Holmes film. I was actually quoted as saying 'Guy wants me in the movie'.

I don't even know about a Sherlock Holmes movie. It's just funny how the papers out here just completely make up lies and stories and they'll put quotes and say that you said them. I don't really give quotes because I don't talk to anyone. I've just been shooting my show.

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